Saturday, March 21, 2015

Fast Approaching! - YA Scavenger Hunt

For those of you who don't know, the Young Adult Scavenger Hunt (YASH) is coming up, April 2nd. It'll go until the 5th. I'm offering the winner a copy of both UNPREDICTABLE PROPHECIES and UNIMAGINABLE PROSPECTS. I regret I don't have any cool "swag" to give away, though I wish I did. But I am on Team Purple, and I will be posting the prologue to my upcoming novel, swirling in the world of Fontanei. (I'm not sure if we're supposed to reveal the authors yet either, so apologies.)

This is just an informing post, for those who are interested in participating.  Good luck, and happy hunting!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

|Book Review| 'A Beautiful Wedding' by Jamie McGuire

You know that Abby Abernathy unexpectedly became Mrs. Maddox. But do you really know?

Why did Abby pop the question?
What secrets were shared before the ceremony? 
Where did they spend their wedding night?
Who else knew about it...and didn't tell?

Everything about Abby and Travis's elopement was top-secret...until now. Fans of Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster will get all of their questions answered in this whirlwind tale of the wedding day (and night!)--and as with all good stories, this one will definitely have been worth the wait. 

My review:
Let me start out by saying I haven't read either Disaster book in a while, so I didn't remember much of the characters on Abby's side, but as I read, I remembered. I got ten pages into the book, shut it, looked at my boyfriend, and said, "I can't read anymore. It's too sweet." To which he said, "Whatever, babe. Read the damn thing." And I did. I read and clung to every little and big word in this story, completely compelled. 

The characters are rich, raw, and oh-so-real. The dilemma Abby faces throughout the novella is justified and just breathed life into her character so well I felt with, and for, her. I love Travis's POV as well, how he decides to finally man up and be the guy a girl as strong as Abby needs. He's not a longer hot-tempered, testosterone-fueled boy. He's now a level-headed, wife-respecting, sweet man. And he's become more luscious. I just adore his love for Abby. 

Speaking of is that girl so cunning? Travis was completely oblivious to the real purpose of the trip. Kudos to her. I guess it pays to be his pigeon and have him trust you. Know what? Never mind the secret, what she does at the end is just as endearing as Travis proclaiming his undying love every day and calling her Mrs. Maddox as often as he can. 

Even though it was so short, I absolutely cherished it. It was worth the wait. Because when a Maddox boy falls in love, he loves forever. A girl can only hope to be loved that much.